I want to start investing!

There are many options available when it comes to savings and investments. In the Arion app, you can open a savings account, sign up for supplementary pension savings and trade in shares and funds.

The Arion app is very easy to download


The first steps in investments

Taking the first steps in investing is much simpler than many people think.

We recommend that you:

  • Take the time to learn and understand savings options
  • Consider making an appointment with a financial advisor at Arion
  • Set clear goals on investments and savings
  • Start small and build confidence in investing
  • Determine your tolerance level for changes in the market
  • Celebrate milestones and small victories 

Good savings options

Savings accounts

Savings accounts are suitable for regular savings. It is sensible to have regular savings in savings accounts and thus be prepared for unexpected expenses or important events in life.

You can open a savings account and start regular savings right now under More in the Arion app.

Savings accounts

Shares and funds

It is very easy to trade stocks and funds under More in the Arion app.

If you are trading for the first time, you need to answer a questionnaire about your knowledge and experience. The questions are designed to increase transparency about transactions and there are no right or wrong answers.


Supplementary pension savings

For people in the workforce, supplementary pension savings are one of the best ways of saving money and it is something everyone should consider regardless of other savings. By signing up for supplementary pension savings, you put aside 2-4% of your salary monthly and receive a 2% pay rise that goes into the savings.

Supplementary pension savings

It's never too late to start regular savings 

It is a good idea to set yourself a goal on how much you want to save each month. Some months you can save more, other months less.

Savings accounts and funds

You have various options when it comes to regular savings. You can save monthly in a savings account, but you can also have a monthly subscription to savings in funds. There’s nothing to stop you having multiple savings schemes on the go at the same time.

Best to start now

It is easy to start making regular savings in both savings accounts and funds under More in the Arion app. The best decision is to start saving now because it quickly accumulates and you can always make changes later.

By investing, you could grow your savings

You can trade with shares in all companies that are listed on the Main List and First North in the Icelandic stock exchange and Stefnir funds. The platform for buying and selling is extremely simple, and transactions can be completed in just three clicks. You can check your account balance and keep up to date with transactions and investment returns.



You get a salary increase with supplementary pension savings

By entering into a supplementary pension savings agreement, you deposit 2-4% of your salary monthly and receive a 2% salary increase that goes into the savings. The savings are inheritable and can be used tax-free to finance housing. Setting up an agreement is simple in the Arion app.

Supplementary pension savings

Running a business

Starting your own company is simpler than many people think. The most difficult thing is actually creating a unique selling point for your company and ensuring its business viability. If you have an idea for a business or already have a business under your own Icelandic identity number, there is really nothing to stop you from starting your own company.


Do you want help starting to invest or save?

Get in touch and we can discuss the possible options.


Investing in financial instruments always represents a financial risk, such as the risk that the investor will not generate a return on the investment or that the principal amount will be lost. Past returns are not a reliable indicator of future returns. Investment returns can increase or decrease on account of changes in exchange rates. The prospectus and key investor information for each fund contains further information on the fund, including risk and whether the fund is considered to be a UCITS or an investment fund. These documents can be found by clicking on the name of each fund. This information is provided for informational purposes only and it should not be interpreted as advice to make a particular investment or not or as an offer to buy, sell or subscribe for specific financial instruments.

The figures on investment returns are obtained from the funds’ depositary. The information presented here is based on sources which are considered reliable but it cannot be guaranteed that the information is correct. Arion Bank is the main distributor of Stefnir hf. funds. Stefnir hf. is an independent financial institution under the Financial Undertakings Act No. 161/2002. Stefnir hf. manages undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities, investment funds and institutional investment funds in accordance with Act No. 128/2011. Stefnir hf. is a subsidiary of Arion Bank.