Let's close the gap

Participating in the financial market is an important way of influencing society, not to mention building your own future. By investing, we participate in the development of society, and society will develop more equally as more people participate. But today there is a clear gender gap in terms of savings, pension holdings and participation in the financial market. That's why we at Arion Bank are now starting an initiative with the aim of empowering women when it comes to investments. By doing this we aim to help bridge the gender gap in the Icelandic financial market.

Women are investing more and more

The number of women with securities portfolios at Arion has increased by 45% in three years.

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It will take us 70 years to reach gender parity

Although women have increased their investments in shares, at the current rate it will take 70 years to reach gender parity in this area.

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Boys have more savings than girls

If we look at securities holdings and deposits of children under the age of two at Arion Bank, we can see that girls are only registered for 40% of these assets, while boys account for around 60%.


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Three women are CEOs of companies listed on the stock exchange

Three women are CEOs of listed companies in Iceland, compared to 27 men.

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I want to get involved!

Do you want to get involved in bridging the gender gap in the financial market?

By saving money you are laying the foundations for your future financial security.

I want to get involved


Do you want help starting to invest or save?

Get in touch and we can discuss the possible options.


The information on this page is marketing material as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Act and under no circumstances constitutes investment advice or an invitation to buy or sell financial instruments. Recipients are encouraged to seek advice and learn about the underlying risks and their rights before making an investment decision.