Einkaklúbbur discount club

As a customer of Arion Bank you are automatically a member of Einkaklúbbur discount club and you can download the app to your phone.

Get for iOS  Get for Android


The EK app is available for all customers

As a customer of Arion Bank you are automatically a member of Einkaklúbbur discount club and you can download the app to your phone. 

If you have electronic ID it only takes a few minutes to become a customer, open an online bank account, get a debit card and become a member of the discount club.

Sign up

Attractive offers

The Einkaklúbbur app allows you take advantage of a whole range of attractive offers from many different companies. The offers are always at your fingertips in your phone and the app is very easy to use. 

Single or multi-use offers

The offers in the app are either single use or multi-use. This means that some offers are always available, while others are either temporary or can only be taken advantage of once. 

Regular notifications

You receive regular notifications in the app of new offers so that you won’t miss out on anything.