Savings accounts
We offer a range of savings accounts, ideal for both short-term and long-term savings.
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Green Deposits
Green Deposits is an account for people who want to contribute towards a greener future. Supports UN Sustainable Development Goals on:
- Clean water and sanitation
- Renewable energy
- Innovation and infrastructure
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Resp. consumption and production
- Climate action
- Life below water
- Life on land
Min. investment period:

Vöxtur - verðtryggður
Inflation-linked savings with 90-day notice of withdrawal. You can withdraw from the account in the app or online bank.
Min. investment period:
90 day notice

Vöxtur - óbundinn
Tiered interest rates depending on the account balance.
- AmountInterest
- 0 - 1 million6,25%
- 1 - 5 million6,35%
- 5 - 20 million6,45%
- > 20 milljónir6,55%
Min. investment period:
Investment period none

Vöxtur - 30 dagar
Tiered interest rates depending on the account balance where the investment term begins when a withrawal request is made. Interest is paid monthly.
- AmountInterest
- 0 - 5 milljónir7,15%
- 5 - 20 million7,25%
- 20 - 50 milljónir7,45%
- >50 milljónir7,55%
Min. investment period:
31 day notice

Vöxtur - fastir vextir
Suitable for those who want fixed interest rate throughout the investment period.
Min. investment period:
You choose the fixed term
You need to save per month for to acquire .