Corporate Finance

Provides companies, investors and institutions with a full range of corporate advisory services in Iceland and internationally.

Mergers and acquisitions

Corporate Finance arranges the sale of companies in open sales processes or closed negotiations. We advise on corporate acquisitions or investments in major shareholdings in companies and also advise on the acquisition and sale of operating assets and other financial instruments, such as debt instruments and derivatives. 

Corporate Finance advises on mergers and acquisitions, managing these processes from beginning to end. This includes analyzing opportunities, performing valuations, advising on methodology, managing negotiations and completing deals. We arrange takeover bids for shares in listed companies, redeem and delist listed shares and assist with leveraged buyouts.

Listings and offerings

Stock market listings

Corporate Finance manages stock market listings, including IPOs, share capital increases and bond listings. We advise companies and sellers on how to prepare a stock market listing, and to perform the necessary due diligence, handle discussions with stock markets and the regulatory authorities, and oversee the preparation of prospectuses and investor presentations.

Stock offerings

We arrange public stock offerings, and our services include advice on planning, preparing the prospectus, investor presentations and executing the offering. We arrange private placements to large investors, including advice on planning, investor presentations and execution.

Issuing dematerialized securities

We arrange the issuing of dematerialized equities and bonds at the Icelandic Securities Depository.


Financial restructuring and advice on optimal capital structure
  • Refinancing companies
  • Project financing
  • Property financing
Balance sheet restructuring

We can advise companies on how to maximize their operating performance. Poor financial performance can lead to weak cash flow and limited profits.

We can advise management on how to increase working capital and how to structure new balance sheets and income statements.

We can also advise management on how to improve financial structure, planning, and fund and debt management.


At Corporate Finance we have a team of specialists with extensive expertise and experience in arranging corporate mergers and acquisitions, buying and selling companies, stock market listings and offerings, financing, corporate restructuring, valuations and investments in equities and other financial instruments.

Head of Corporate Finance

Hreiðar Már Hermannsson

Vice President

Erlendur Magnús Hjartarson
Tel: +354 694 6676

Vice President

Jóhann Einarsson
Tel: +354 661 6313


Sverrir Hreggviðsson
Tel: +354 690 5509

Vice President

Aron Þórður Albertsson
Tel: +354 669 070

Vice President

Hjalti Már Hauksson
Tel: +354 856 6075


Jóhann Þór Lapas
Tel: +354 823 3073

Vice President

Þórður Ólafur Þórðarson
Tel: +354 665 0000

Vice President

Elka Ósk Hrólfsdóttir
Tel: +354 856 6828


Ingibjörg Thelma Leópoldsdóttir
Tel: +354 690 7683


Jón Friðrik Guðjónsson
Tel: +354 865 8215