Working from home

Remote working policy

We offer our employees a varied and flexible working environment in step with changing times. The tasks people work on at Arion Bank vary greatly, as do their circumstances at home.

Sometimes it suits people better to work from home. We aim to accommodate these needs and at the same time foster a healthier work/life balance
Working from home more often saves time and reduces the carbon footprint of commuting to and from work. The strategic application of remote working is beneficial for employees, the company and society as a whole.

By adopting a policy on remote working Arion Bank is helping to:

  • Enhance job satisfaction
  • Offer a more varied working environment
  • Create conditions with fewer distractions and more conducive to concentrating.
  • Encourage greater flexibility at work and foster a better work-life balance.
  • Cut commuting time for employees
  • Reduce carbon footprint of our employees’ commute