Medium term financial targets

Arion Bank operates according to clear financial targets which the Bank releases publicly. The Bank’s financial targets were updated during the first quarter of 2024 and apply for the next three years.

The presentation at Arion CMD 2024 covered the Bank’s strategy, key tasks and operating environment, focuses in the Bank’s funding and capital structure, the Bank’s credit ratings, the progress of development projects, the financial outlook and updated financial targets.

Medium term financial targets

Return on equity Exceed 13%
Core income / REA Exceed 7.2%
Cost-to-core income ratio Below 45%
CET1 ratio above regulatory
capital requirements
150-250 bps management buffer
Insurance revenue growth Exceed the growth of the domestic market by more than 3 percentage points
Insurance combined ratio of Vörður Below 95%
Dividend payout ratio* 50%

Medium term targets are reviewed annually and the underlying horizon is up to 3 years. Updated March 2024.

*Pay-out ratio of approximately 50% of net earnings attributable to shareholders through either dividends or buyback of the Bank’s shares or a combination of both. Additional distributions will be considered when Arion Bank’s capital levels are above the minimum requirements set by the regulators in addition to the Bank’s management buffer. 



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