Human resources

We are proud of our place of work and are constantly striving to improve our results and the services we provide to our customers.


Human Resources Policy

Our goal is to retain and attract outstanding employees and to help them grow professionally and personally. We aim to create a positive and motivational working environment and to support our employees.

We strive to create equal opportunities and foster a results-driven workplace culture. Together we aspire to understand and meet the needs and expectations of our customers because their success is our success.

The right people

  • We ensure that the hiring and onboarding process is professional
  • We warmly welcome new employees.
  • We seek to ensure that every position is occupied by a person who fits the needs and strategy of the company at any given time.
  • We seek to ensure that people leave on the best possible terms.

Remuneration Policy
Retirement Policy

A clear vision for equality

  • We respect human rights and equality in all our activities and place great importance on equal opportunities.
  • We work in accordance with an equal pay policy to ensure equal terms for equally valuable jobs and transparency on pay.

Strong leadership

  • We have an excellent management team with a clear vision for the future.
  • Focus on constructive training and support for the management.
  • Our management leads by example and motivates the employees.
  • Management provides regular and constructive feedback to employees.

Continuous learning and development

  • We place great importance on diverse training to develop the skills and knowledge of our employees.
  • We provide opportunities for professional development with new challenges, greater responsibilities and challenging tasks.
  • We encourage our employees to show the initiative and ambition to develop and to take responsibility for their own knowledge.
Education and training policy

Job satisfaction, well-being and social interaction

  • There is zero tolerance towards bullying, gender-based and sexual harassment, and violence. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent such behaviour.
  • We seek to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
  • We endeavour to maintain a positive working atmosphere and job satisfaction.
  • We promote a healthy work-life balance. We offer our employees an attractive working environment and job flexibility.
Health and safety policy
Anti- bullying, harassment and violence policy
Remote working policy

Results-driven culture

  • We work together to achieve positive results in the tasks assigned to us and give positive feedback when someone has done a good job.
  • We adopt goal-setting and measure the performance of teams and link it to the renumeration policy.
  • We strive to find solutions by developing an effective working environment and a culture of continuous improvement, guided by the needs of our customers
  • We strive to communicate and share knowledge and information with our colleagues


In order to implement the human resources policy and to measure performance in human resources, various tools are used such as in-house surveys, interviews, workplace audits, management assessments, measurements of employee turnover, statistics on absence, hiring and equality etc.

The Human Resources Policy makes reference to the Remuneration Policy, which is approved at the Annual General Meeting pursuant to a proposal from the Board of Directors, and also refers to the sub-policies which define in more detail how key components of policy are carried out. Human Resources Policy is reviewed annually and approved by the Board of Directors. The sub-policies of the Human Resources Policy are the responsibility of Human Resources and are updated as required. The Board Remuneration Committee is informed of any changes, as applicable.